Victoria Balnaves and John Scougall feature in a breathless new short from writer Àine King, directed by Sarah McCardie.
"I think a LOT of people can identify with not-always-telling-the-whole-truth to our parents. I live with chronic illness, so I spend a lot of time not-telling-the-whole-truth to family and friends, saying ‘Yeah, I’m fine…fine…’ when I’m not. It’s easy on the phone, but with Covid, suddenly we were all skyping and video-calling and zooming…and not-telling-the-truth got a lot more complicated….I live in Orkney, but was away south just as the virus began to get serious. Hurrying home on trains and planes, ahead of the lockdown, I was wondering how many people who’d been getting away with not-telling-the-whole-truth were about to come unstuck in all sorts of little personal dramas….And then all the pasta and rice Fran would need to create her fake sound effects vanished from the shops…literally running out." - Aine King